How to use the Popup Maker Google Map element?
Google Map element creation
Google Map element is one of the best and handy innovation that will make your website more progressive and practical. You can show any location you wish with a nice map inside a popup!
To start the creation of a Google Map popup, you should click on "Insert Google Map Element" button in your editor page.(arrow on the left)
On the right side of the page you'll see a bar of your Google Map element options. (arrow on the right)
Let's check them one by one!
How to set up the main options of the Google Map element? | Content
Create a Google Map API key and connect it with the popup.
Select the Map type: Roadmap, Sattelite, Hybrid or Terrain.
Select the Map Display Options - Markers, Directions or Polygon
Let's check each of the map look types separately.
1. Markers
This type allows you to show the exact location on a map, you can show your office address, for example.
Plus, you can add an info text on the marker, inside the HTML editor of the map marker.
Here's how it may look like:
2. Directions
This map type will show the way from point A to point B on the map. The easiest way to get to the place. You should enter the "from" and "to" addresses in the configuration to show the directions in your popup.
Here's how it may look like:
3. Polygon
This map type is good for showing a specific area on the map. Like, what area the company owns or is located on.
Here, you should point up to 5 addresses to create some kind of a polygon on the map to show the exact area of placement.
Here's how it may look like:
How to cusomize the Google Map element? | Style
Set up the Sizing of the map and tce Color of the Borders.
Easy and cool right?!
Start the creation of your own awesome Google Map popup right now and ride the wave.
Updated on: 05/11/2020
Thank you!