How to customize the close button of the popup?
In the Design section of the Popup Maker editor you can customize the design options of your popup to all your preferences! Customize close button popup Close Button Options Show Close Button - Check the box to show the close button on your popup Button Image - Change the image of the close button, upload and add your own Button Position - Select the position ofSome readersHow to customize the background and the borders of the popup?
In the Design section of the Popup Maker editor you can customize the design options of your popup - all to your preferences! Customize the background and the borders of the popup Background Options Show Background - Choose, whether you wish to have a background for your popup or not. Background Color - Select the background color for your popup Background Image - UpFew readersHow to make the popup content scroll and add padding?
In the Design section of the Popup Maker editor (the left side of the page) you can customize the design options of your popup - all to your preferences! Customize the design options of your popup Content Scrolling - Check the box and the content inside your popup will be scrollable Content Padding - Add padding in pixels for your popup content to make it more prominent ContFew readersHow to set up the Overlay and Shadow effects of the popup?
In the section Design of the Popup Maker editor (the left side of the page) you can customize the design options of your popup - all to your preferences! Set up the Overlay and Shadow effects of the popup Overlay Options Overlay Visible - Check the box to enable the popup overlay Overlay Color - Select a color for your popup overlay Overlay Opacity - Select the oFew readers